Since 2006, Simply Communicate USA has been working wonders for our clients.

I'm Jamie Roark. Senior level marketing communications advisor. Former news reporter/anchor. Current doggie rescue foster (Don't bring that up with Moemee Kitty, it's a sore spot)
Expert at messaging and bringing your brand to life.
Let's talk about how I can help your company reach its communications goals.
Our niche is corporate and marketing communications—informing and influencing. So think about media training and media relations, event production, strategic message development, social media planning, website content, publications, newsletters, presentation skills development, strategic communication plan creation, crisis communications plans, writing.
Our name has evolved along with our work. In the '90s, we were SunGroup Communications and made our mark by creating multimedia productions/events, writing, directing, and producing. Corporate clients and projects have encompassed production of all multi-media for an oil and gas leadership conference, a multi-language marketing video concerning a major global project, writing for a chemical company's monthly print and e-magazine, and crisis communications for various organizations. Our creativity attracted CBS/Fox, so we produced fitness videos in Prague for supermodel C------ S-------. Sorry, confidentiality agreement.
What you need to know is that from Healthcare to Higher Education, you're in expert, trustworthy hands.

Moemee Kitty
I'm Jamie's cat. My name is Moemee. I'm really the boss. I call the shots around here. And Jamie—she's great to work with. I've got her trained. You're going to really like her.